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Embracing Hybrid and Blended Education Models

Writer: Callum RaeCallum Rae

wo students engage with a laptop, discussing academic work in a comfortable home environment
Embracing Collaborative Learning in a Hybrid World

Higher education has been transformed by technology to better meet students’ unique learning needs and styles. These innovations have changed how and where students study, from learning management systems (LMS) to adaptive learning software to video-conferencing. So, it is important to recognise the concepts of hybrid and blended learning and be prepared to adopt and refine these frameworks to achieve their learning outcomes as reopening guidelines for higher education institutions continue to develop.

What Is Hybrid Education Model?

Hybrid learning is when conventional face-to-face teaching is combined with offline or distance learning approaches like experiential learning and remote course delivery. The aim is to use the right combination of learning strategies to efficiently teach content while still meeting students’ learning needs. The additional learning strategies are intended to supplement rather than replace conventional face-to-face training. If a class meets two days per week, for example, a hybrid learning teacher could schedule one day for in-class lecture and the other for a hands-on lab or online assignment.

Here some of the examples of hybrid learning tools:

  • Video conferencing

  • Learning management systems

  • Online tasks

  • Online discussion boards

  • Pre-recorded video training

  • Video conferencing

  • Learning management systems

  • Online tasks

  • Online discussion boards

  • Pre-recorded video training

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning combines offline and online learning. Blended learning, unlike hybrid learning, uses online teaching to supplement rather than replace conventional face-to-face instruction. Students engage online to complete assignments, ask questions, connect with other students, and remotely communicate with their teacher in blended learning. Using the example above, a blended learning teacher could schedule face-to-face training on both days and delegate students to write an online forum post outside of class time.

Hybrid Learning vs. Blended Learning

While the terms hybrid learning and blended learning are often used interchangeably, there is a distinction between the two. Blended learning focuses primarily on combining distance learning with standard teaching, while hybrid learning focuses on using any available learning methodology to better teach the material, whether online or offline. Another distinction is that blended learning emphasises an equal mix of distance learning and conventional instruction, while hybrid learning emphasises online or nontraditional instruction.

Hybrid and Blended Learning Benefits

Though hybrid and blended learning slightly vary, both use a combination of in-person and online learning to address the demands of busy students. The opportunity to personalise instruction to fulfil the individual needs of each student is the strength of these learning formats. As a result, both hybrid and mixed learning models could be especially well-suited to adults who choose and return to college to complete their degrees. Here are some benefits that these teaching styles incorporate:

  1. Students get the convenience of online learning combined with the regularity of in-class sessions: Especially for working students, these learning formats enable students to study at their own speed, at least to some degree. Any of the more complex or hands-on subjects can be discussed in a conventional classroom environment, while other subject matter can be encouraged digitally through blended and hybrid models.

  2. Some students perform better with hybrid learning: Some students excel in a hybrid learning environment due to the balance it provides. The combination of online resources and in-class interactions supports various learning styles, helping students to optimize their academic performance. This model acknowledges that while digital tools are invaluable, the intricacies of certain subjects are best conveyed face-to-face.

  1. Students get to interact with professor and classmates face-to-face: It’s often easier to make in-person contacts than it is to network successfully online. Face-to-face course components allow students to interact with their professor or peers during class to network or ask a question, which can be extremely useful when students are in a hurry to finish an assignment or take an exam.

  1. Students have ownership over their own learning: Increased student autonomy is another advantage in mixed and integrated learning models. The combination of conventional classes and flexible, online learning will truly inspire students to set their own goals, chart their progress, and figure out their own opportunities. Many of these abilities are transferrable to the workplace.

  2. Learning is equitable: In-person classes also allow the most extroverted students to dominate the dialogue, resulting in fewer points of view being shared in discussions. Students who are not the most assertive people in person, or if English isn’t their first language, online courses offer everyone the opportunity to shape and contribute a thoughtful response. Besides, think of students with physical difficulties or disorders for needs special equipment that is difficult to accommodate in the classroom environment, or students with ASD that are noise and distraction susceptible. Blended and hybrid learning provide all of these students with an equal chance to excel in an online world that is inherently quieter, cleaner, and easier to adapt to individual needs.

Are There Disadvantages to Blended and Hybrid Learning?

Technological infrastructure

The most notable drawback is that hybrid and blended learning often depends on technologies to provide online learning experiences. For digital platforms and online assets to have a positive effect, they must be dependable, simple to use, and up-to-date. Professors’ technological problems, whether perceived or actual, can be a major hurdle, so it’s critical to set in place steps to insure high availability and good technical assistance. Generation Z students demand a consistent, high-quality multimedia learning experience. When transitioning to a hybrid or blended learning platform, there are a few important issues to consider:

  • Will the network handle an explosion of traffic from off-campus?

  • Is there a good way for students to work together online?

  • How can professors handle assignments and grading?

  • What are the videoconferencing options?

  • What integrations are available to make the experience more streamlined?

  • Is there a system in place to secure student data and course materials?

  • Will the network handle an explosion of traffic from off-campus?

  • Is there a good way for students to work together online?

  • How can professors handle assignments and grading?

  • What are the videoconferencing options?

  • What integrations are available to make the experience more streamlined?

  • Is there a system in place to secure student data and course materials?

Course Design

Professors need to be aware that what works for in-person training does not work for online training. Current courses should not be assumed to be ready for online delivery. It is important to analyze students’ behaviour, determine what they need to remember, review the course content, and use this information to create a blended learning approach. The full benefits of hybrid and mixed learning will be realised by institutions who strategically weld conventional and online teaching together.

When Hybrid and Blended Learning Outlive Coronavirus

Can the rapid use of online learning continue until COVID-19 is eradicated? Experts agree that online learning will continue to be incorporated into higher education, particularly now that so many universities are experimenting with and improving these models. Creating a hybrid model can be just as satisfying as creating a new programme. However, online learning approaches present a number of technological and usability issues.

Final Thoughts

As we navigate the evolving landscape of higher education, it is evident that the integration of technology through hybrid and blended learning models is more than a transient response to global challenges; it is a forward-thinking transformation of educational delivery. These adaptable learning frameworks have proven to be invaluable in meeting the diverse needs and learning styles of students, offering a personalized educational journey that transcends traditional boundaries.

The convenience of online learning, coupled with the tangibility of in-class interactions, offers a balanced approach that caters to both the digital native and the hands-on learner. As we look beyond the pandemic, the lessons learned and the advancements made in educational technology set the stage for a more inclusive, accessible, and flexible learning environment. The future of higher education is not confined within the walls of a classroom but is an expansive, interactive, and collaborative space where learning is limitless.

Universities and educators must continue to harness the strengths of both hybrid and blended learning, recognizing that the true essence of education lies in its ability to adapt to change, to empower learners, and to provide equitable opportunities for all. As we embrace this new era, we must also address the challenges it presents, ensuring robust technological infrastructure and innovative course design to support this dynamic mode of learning. The path forward is clear: by embracing these blended and hybrid models, higher education can offer a richer, more engaging, and more effective experience for learners around the globe.

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